Highams Park Business Group


The Highams Park Business Group (HPBG) is part of The Highams Park Planning Group (HPPG) and is a group of local businesses who work, live or do business in Highams Park. HPBG’s aim is to build a vibrant and cohesive network to promote the growth of Highams Park’s diverse businesses offering quality products and services to the local community and beyond.

To facilitate networking among local businesses, HPBG holds regular business breakfasts as well as social and community events.

For more information about HPBG go to: https://hp-bg.co.uk

Alternatively, contact: Michael Cohen on 07971 289845 / email michael@lfsuk.com or Antony Smith on  0333 456 0468 / email antony@providusfinancial.co.uk