HPPG Objections to six-storey development at the rear of James Yard


HPPG has now written to the Council to lodge our objections to the planning application by Sherrygreen Homes for the redevelopment of the site to the rear of James Yard, 480 Larkshall Road. The existing buildings (by the station entrance on Platform 2). will be demolished and will be replaced by the erection of two residential-led six-storey buildings, mixed use development comprising 46 residential dwellings, and commercial space.

(For the avoidance of doubt this is an additional development to that approved by the Planning Inspector for Atlantis Highams running down Larkshall Road from the level crossing to Breeze restaurant).

We believe the proposed density of development for the site is too high, as it will necessitate another multi-story development in the heart of Highams Park Town Centre (by the station) and will completely change the character of the area as can be seen from the three images below.

  1. Highams Park District Centre as it is today
  2. The impact that the Sherrygreen development will have on the character of Highams Park District Centre when viewed from The Avenue.
  3. The combined impact of the Sherrygreen Homes and the Atlantis Highams development which was approved by the Planning Inspector.

You can read a copy of HPPG’s objection letter by clicking on the link below
HPPG Objections to – Application 242739 – Sherrygreen Homes development

If you believe the proposal to be an overdevelopment of this site that will adversely affect the character of Highams Park we encourage you to also object to this application. The more people who object the better, so if you agree that this level of development is inappropriate please object using the Council’s online platform (using the details below) We appreciate that not everybody will feel the same, so you can also use this platform in support of this application if you wish.

The application, supporting documents and the name of the Case officer who will be assessing the application can be viewed on the Council’s
website at:

• Go to search “Planning Applications
• Type the application number 242739 into the Application Reference number field
• Scroll down and select “search”
• Scroll down again and select “View”
• Scroll to beneath the location plan enter and submit your comment.

(If you haven’t already done so, you will need to create an account by following the instructions on the consultation page and verify your email address in order to comment). 

We appreciate you have busy lives, so we have prepared a simple response below that you can use.

Suggested response:
I have reviewed planning application ID 242739 document and object most strongly to this proposal on the same grounds as those expressed by the Highams Park Planning Group in their letter of 8th January 2025 in response to this consultation; with particular regard to the damaging affect that such tall buildings will have on the character of Highams Park town centre.

If you would like to write a more detailed response, please feel free to do so.

View by entrance to Platform 2.