Exhibition at Humphry’s by Caroline Wadley (now ended)


The current exhibition at Humphry’s Café is by Caroline Wadley. The exhibition will run until 13th October .

Here’s a little bit of info about Caroline in her own words.

‘I’m currently drawing local landscapes in mixed media. Having not drawn for many, many years, I started again about three years ago. It’s surprised me that I have started drawing landscape which I’ve never done before. I call what I do drawing because it’s the basis of what I do currently. I go and sit in a green space nearby and draw. I’m so glad I’ve got back to it. Enjoy the show

If you are interested in buying some of my art you can contact me by Instagram on  @carowa11 or by email at 1carowad@gmail.com

You can see some of Caroline’s lovely work below but there’s lots more on view in Humphry’s Café.