Highams Park Forum

The Highams Park Forum
The Highams Park Forum

Welcome to the website of the Highams Park Forum

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– see below for explanation.

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The Highams Park Forum closed at the end of 2019

Why did the Forum close?

When The Forum was created in 2001 it was the only Highams Park wide residents’ organisation and it did its best, with a very small membership, to satisfy numerous needs and had a great deal of success.  In 2013 the Forum helped create The Highams Park Planning Group (HPPG) to create a plan for the area.  This resonated with residents and the Group soon had a huge membership (currently well over 1000).  The scale of the HPPG and the enthusiasm of its membership has allowed it to take on many major projects.  Many Forum members are already actively involved with the HPPG.

Most of the Forum’s functions are now duplicated by the HPPG and those that are not can be addressed within it.  As a result the active members of the Forum felt that it would be better to transfer their efforts to within the HPPG and close the Forum as a separate organisation.

What will happen after the Forum closes?

  1. The HPPG is setting up regular public meetings with a format designed to appeal to a wider age group than currently attend Forum meetings. The proposed dates of these meetings can be seen in the minutes of the 2nd December 2019 Forum meeting displayed on this site.
  2. The Forum’s website has been mothballed within the HPPG’s web host.  When the domain registration for “www.highamsparkforum.co.uk” expires, the site will still be accessible via the menus of the Highams Park Portal (www.highamspark.london).  The portal is an overarching website for Highams Park and was requested by residents consulted during the creation of The Highams Park Plan.
  3. The “contact us” page of the Forum’s website has been amended to direct visitors to the Highams Park Portal contact email address.

This website

This website is now mothballed and is archived here.  It can be browsed as normal via the link below but it will not be further updated.

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