Atlantis Homes has submitted a revised application for 480 to 510 Larkshall Road (the James Yard Site behind Highams Park Station) for a mixed used development of between five and seven storeys in height. The development will comprise of 68 flats along with flexible commercial spaces and a new entrance to Highams Park Station into Larkshall Road.
The Highams Park Planning Group (HPPG) has decided to object to this application for following reasons:
- The building height has been increased from 5 to 6 storeys to 5 to 7 storeys; notwithstanding objections to the original proposal from many residents that the previous design was too high. There are no other 6 or 7 storey buildings in close proximity to the site and because of this, this development will be overly dominant and totally out of character with the surrounding buildings.
- The proposed design and massing is out of keeping with the character of Highams Park District Centre and makes no attempt to respond to the architecture of either the Highams Park Station building, the Edwardian shopping district or the more contemporary design of the Tesco/Highams Green development on the on the other side of Larkshall Road.
The design statement references the Wood Street Library development, this design is drab, overbearing and has a very urban feel which has no resonance with the existing character or architectural rhythm and much loved ‘village character’ of HPDC.
We believe the design should try to juxtapose the Edwardian character of HPDC and the more modern William Morris themed Highams Green development on the other side of Larkshall Road. - The proposal for a new station entrance is still included in the application even though the statement of community engagement by BECG accompanying the application states that 68% of respondents were opposed to a new station entrance. There seems little point in consulting with residents if the feedback from the consultations is completely ignored.
- The traffic plan is flawed as it does not make due allowance for commuters leaving the new station entrance and crossing over to Tesco supermarket in Signal Walk directly opposite. This is an obvious desire line for people leaving the station. Many people already cross unsafely at this point. To improve safety, if a new station entrance is included in the development, it should be conditional upon the pelican crossing at 397 Larkshall Road being moved so it directly serves the entrance to Signal Walk.
- There is no affordable housing included within the development, this is contrary to Council policy.
- The graphics provided with the application are misleading as they do not include the likely impact of other proposals submitted for other parts of the James Yard site; in particular application 191304FUL by Sherry Green Homes for a 5 storey development adjacent to the Atlantis Site and running along the rear of the Chingford bound platform. No illustrations have been provided from The Avenue side of the station but it is clear that the combined impact of these two developments will create a large monolithic block totally dominating HPDC and overwhelming Highams Park Station.
- The application does not comply with the Council’s proposed Master Plan for the site or the Council’s LP2 Site Allocations consultation document which contains parameters for this site as part of Site SA62.
You can read HPPG’s objection letter to the Council in full by clicking on this link:
HPPG Objection Letter Planning Application ID 203040 – Revised Proposal – 480 to 510 Larkshall Road
To give you a flavour of the application we have also uploaded the design statement for the application which you can view on this link: Design Statement for Revised Application – Atlantis Homes
If you wish to comment on this application you have until 9th September to submit your comments to the Council’s Planning Department.
How to Comment on the planning application:
- You first need to be registered on the Council’s planning portal ‘Waltham Forest Built Environment Online’ and be logged in. If you are not already registered it is a very simple process and you can log in and/or register by clicking on this link:
- Once you are logged in click on ‘Planning’ and then on ‘Search Planning Applications’ and enter 203040 in the field ‘Application Reference number’ and then click on ‘Search’.
- A summary of the application details will then appear on the bottom of the page. To view the application in full and comment you need to click on the highlighted box marked ‘View’ on the righthand side of the page.
- All the documents and graphics will then be available for you to view. You can then input your comments in the box marked ‘Make a Representation’ . You need to select one of the options Support, General Comment or Object. Once you have submitted your comments click on the Submit button.
Some more illustrative images of the proposed development: