Council Decision Letter – Refusal of ‘James Yard’ Redevelopment Proposal

View from the junction of Hale End Road and Beech Hall Road

Application (no 203040) for a six and seven storey development of 68 flats including a new station entrance on the James Yard Site at 480 Larkshall Road was refused by the Council’s planning committee on 1st March.
The  Council’s decision notice refusing the application is now available and if you would like to see the full grounds for the refusal, you can  read the letter by clicking on this link: 480 Larkshall Road Decision Notice

Following representations at the Planning Committee Meeting from the Highams Park Planning Group (HPPG) , local Councillors and local residents objecting to the development the planning committee refused planning permission.

In summary, the  grounds for refusal were:

  • The development was not compliant with Highams Park Plan Policies, in particular character design, height and massing.
  • Concerns about the deliverability of the new station entrance given TfL’s current shortage of funds.
  • There being zero parking without a CPZ being in place in the area.
  • The housing mix did not cater sufficiently for families.
  • Insufficient affordable housing.

Although HPPG objected to this development we do support appropriate redevelopment of this site but not the level of overdevelopment proposed in this application.