You may have received a leaflet through the post or heard about the above consultation through Facebook but just in case you are unaware we thought we should let you know how you can view the proposals and take part in the consultation.
Joseph Homes is consulting on the Council’s emerging Masterplan for Highams Park’s Industrial Area between Tesco and The Rolls Playing Fields.
The consultation also covers more specific development proposals for that part of the industrial area running between Hickman Avenue and Larkshall Road ” 5-10 Highams Park Industrial Estate” (outlined in red in the picture below). Joseph Homes are looking at how to optimise the site to provide a co-location scheme that delivers new homes alongside modern and improved employment space with active frontages.
The Highams Park Planning Group (HPPG) received details of the consultation and how people can take part by email from Joseph Homes and we have copied it below for your information.
These proposals could be transformational for this part of Highams Park, so we suggest that you take this opportunity to take part in this initial consultation. The consultation closes on 24th July.
Extract of Email from Joseph Homes
“We are currently devising proposals for the redevelopment of the site, in partnership with Centrica Pension Fund whose asset manager is LaSalle Investment Management.
The emerging proposals are in its early stages and are evolving thanks to ongoing discussions with the London Borough of Waltham Forest, but the key aims for the site are for a co-location development that increases employment opportunities, provides much-needed homes, and increases the amount of public realm through a landscape-led approach to design.
This engagement period will be residents and local businesses’ first opportunity to give their views on what they would like to see delivered on the wider masterplan and their hopes and aspirations for the area. This in turn will help us inform the design principles of the masterplan, and the proposals for Units 5-10, Highams Park Industrial Estate.
Around 3,500 residents and businesses in the immediate area will receive the attached notice providing details of the launch of our public consultation from 13th July to 24th July. The notice includes details of the website (click here to take art in the consultation), where they can find more about Joseph Homes, the plans so far and how they can contribute via the consultation process.
We have also included for anyone who cannot access material on-line or who would like to receive a consultation pack in the post a telephone number 0800 298 7040 and contact email address ”