As part of the preparation of its new Local Plan, the Council began its LP2 (Regulation 19) Site Allocations Consultation on 8th November 2021. You have until 31st January 2022 to submit your comments (extended from 14th January).
The consultation contains guidelines as to what type of development the Council is likely to accept at a number of sites across the Borough. This does not mean that development will take place on these sites but aims to speed up decisions, should development proposals be submitted through the planning application process at some point in the future.
HPPG has restricted its comments to the sites within the Highams Park Plan Area but you are entitled to comment on as many sites across the Borough as you wish.
The sites are subdivided by area and the sites in Highams Park are included in the North Waltham Forest Area. There are three site allocations in Highams Park, being:
- Site SA59 – 472-510 Larkshall Road and James Road/Yard (behind Highams Park Station).
- SA60- Shell Garage Highams Park in Larkshall Road.
- SA68 – Highams Park Industrial Estate (being the industrial/warehouse units in the area bounded by Tesco, Aldriche Way, the Rolls Playing Fields and Larkshall Road)
Not much detail is provided for sites SA60 and SA68 and, as we are broadly supportive of the principle of ‘appropriate’ redevelopment of these two sites we decided not comment on these two sites. We have commented on site SA59, as it is our view that what is proposed is a gross overdevelopment of the site and the inclusion of a new railway entrance is unnecessary. You can view HPPG’s submission on this site on the link below.
Link: HPPG Comments on LP2 (Regulation 19) Site Allocations Consultation
You can view and comment on the proposed sites allocated as potential sites for development across the Borough by clicking on the link below:
Link to LP2 Consultation:
As this is a Regulation 19 Consultation, the type of comments you can make are prescribed by planning law. Comments that do not comply with these requirements will have to be disregarded by the Planning Inspector, so we have provided some guidance on the link below on how you can comment and what the terminology you will see in the consultation form actually means.
Any comments received during the consultation will be submitted directly to the Planning Inspector and will form part of the Inspector’s overall review process of the Council’s proposed new local plan; the Council will not respond to your comments.
Link : LP2 Regulation 19 Consultation Guidance
If you prefer you can you can download and read the consultation document on this link:
Should you wish to discuss any issues or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Policy Team by email at: