The Highams Park Snedders (Forestry Volunteers)

Snedders Stew Day 18th January 2020

The Highams Park Snedders are a friendly group of local volunteers from the Highams Park Planning Group (HPPG) who help look after The Highams Park, the lake and the surrounding forest.

The name Snedders comes from the old Saxon word “sned”, which means to cut the small branches off a felled tree.

Join the Highams Park Snedders

If you would like to volunteer to help, email, and we will add you to our mailing list.

Outside of the bird nesting season, the Snedders usually meet on one weekday and Saturday each month, although sometimes more often. The sessions generally run from 9.30 am until 12.30 pm but feel free to come and go as you please.

Upcoming work sessions scheduled for 2024:Unless stated below, all sessions will start at 9:30 am and we will meet in the compound behind Humphry’s.

  • Monday 7th October (cancelled)
  • Saturday 12th October
  • Thursday 17th October
  • Monday 21st October
  • Saturday 26th October
  • Tuesday 5th November
  • Saturday 16th November
  • Friday 22nd November
  • Saturday 30th November
  • Tuesday 10th December
  • Saturday 21st December

Work the Snedders undertake

We have done a variety of works in the local woods, including:

  • clearing undergrowth that had gotten out of control after the cows stopped grazing at the lake in the mid-1990s
  • opening windows in the vegetation around the lake to improve airflow
  • reed planting to improve the wildlife habitat and water quality at the lake.

The Snedders have undertaken other projects such as establishing Humphry’s Café and the new path across the park to it.

We work closely with the Epping Forest Conservators from the City Corporation who provide logistical support and training. The works we undertake in the woods form part of a management conservation programme set by the conservators’ ecologists.

Photo of Snedders enjoying stew after a hard morning's work at the lake and Mallinson Scout centre
Snedders enjoying stew after a hard morning’s work at the lake and Mallinson Scout centre
Photo of Snedders Stew Day 18th January 2020
Snedders Stew Day 18th January 2020
The Highams Park Snedders at Work
The Highams Park Snedders at Work