Citizens’ Assembly

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Community Event at Highams Park Station to celebrate 150th Anniversary of The Railway

On Sunday 19th November from 11am until 4pm there will be community event in Highams Park Station Car Park to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Railway coming to Highams Park....

Highams Park Live – Friday 10th November from 7.30 pm

‘Highams Park Live’ is returning upstairs at The County Arms for our last session of this year on Friday 10th November 7.30 pm – 11.00 pm.

Map of The Highams Park Halloween Window Walk

Decorate your windows, scare the neighbours and celebrate the spookiest night in the calendar by decorating your house for the Halloween Window Trail

Meet the author of Tree Spirits’ at Humphrys’ – 14th October from 2.30 pm

The book TREE SPIRITS is for 3 -8 year olds and inspires creativity and imagination in children. You can meet the author at Humphry's at 2.30 pm on Saturday 14th October.....
village florist

Job Opportunity at the Village Florist in Highams Park

The Village Florist is looking for a part time, experienced florist.

New ‘Little Free Library’ at Humphry’s Café

Come and take a book or leave at book at Little Free Library at Humphry's Café in The Park

Group Litter Pick – Saturday 30th September at 10.30am

All are welcome to join the HP Litter Pickers on their next group litter pick on Saturday 30th September. We will meet at 10.30 am in front of Blaze Gym in Signal Walk (in front of Tesco Highams Park)

French Market at Highams Park Station – Sunday 1st October

The Highams Park Planning Group (HPPG) has arranged for the popular French Market ‘France at Home’ to come back to Highams Park Station on...

Safer Streets – Community Engagement Dates

The Council's is running a series of engagement sessions around Highams Park commencing with the Anti-Social Behaviour Team on Monday 21st August in Signal Walk in front of Tesco .....