Redevelopment of Regal Cinema Site to go ahead


As you may already be aware the Council approved the proposed redevelopment of the Regal Cinema at the Planning Committee Meeting on Tuesday 16th July.

The developer, Mammoth Construction, have some planning conditions they have to satisfy before building works can begin. They are optimistic that the conditions can be satisfied fairly quickly and they aim to begin building work with in 3 to 6 months .

The redevelopment of the Regal Cinema will include  retention and restoration of street facing facades and the construction of a part 2, part 6 storey building featuring a two screen cinema (‘Sui Generis’ use), an ancillary café bar (Class E use) at ground floor level and 33 residential apartments (18 x 1-bedroom; 15 x 2-bedroom) on the floors above.

We have included copies of two of the key documents below for your information

1. Design-and-Access-Statement-Regal Cinema-compressed

2. Regal Cinema-__Historic-Building-Condition-Survey Report-compressed