Upcoming Events and Activities at The Highams Park Hub
Please see the poster below for details of upcoming events and activities at the Hub at All Saints Church. All the events are free...
Regal Cinema Update
Mammoth Construction has now submitted a planning application and supporting papers to the Council for the redevelopment of the Regal site.
Update – Signal Walk Play Park -Works Started
HPPG has been asked to share the exciting news that work has now started on refurbishing the play area in Signal Walk next to Ziggy's Gift Shop.
East Asian Beginner Language Classes
Learn Korean, Japanese and Chinese at the Highams Park Station Rooms
Tartuffe at the Forest Community Theatre 23rd to 25th February
Local theatre group 'Drama Workshop' are performing Moliere's hilarious comedy Tartuffe at the Forest Community Theatre (by Wadham Bridge) for three nights from 23rd to 25th February
Make It Happen 2024 Funding Opportunity
You can apply to the Council for £1,000-£15,000 to fund a new cultural and creative project
Council Consultation Culture & Creativity For All
Waltham Forest Council is consulting those who live, work, study or visit Waltham Forest to help shape a new Cultural Action Plan.
Job Opportunity at Highams Park Food Aid (The Hub)
Highams Park Food Aid are seeing to appoint a part time Hub Manager to run the day-to-day operation of the Hub. This is a salaried position.
Jazz Club- Sunday 14th January – 5pm until 8pm
The next Jazz Jam upstairs at the County Arms features the renowned jazz guitarist Nigel Price.
Mini Rugby U6 to U12
Mini Rugby for U6s-U12s. Come down to Woodford Rugby Club in the New Year. We start up again on Sunday 7 January at 10am. Learn a new sport, burn off some energy and make new friends!