Highams Park Live at The County Arms – Friday 17th March
A free evening of live music by three amazing original bands at The County Arms Highams Park
Sewerage works in The Highams Park
Thames Water will be undertaking re-lining work to the sewer pipe that runs under The Highams Park (by the Lake) from Keynsham Avenue to...
Planning Inspector Approves James Yard Development
The Inspector has allowed the appeal by Atlantis Highams and approval and planning permission was granted for the demolition of the existing buildings and erection of a five to seven-storey residential-led, mixed use development comprising 68 residential dwellings.
Neighbourhood Police Day at Humphry’s Cafe
Come along to and meet your neighbourhood policing team at Humphry's on Sunday 29th January from 11am to 2pm with fun family activities and refreshments
The Regal Cinema development: have your say
The Regal consultation is now online and you have until 20th December to comment on the revised designs...
Consultation on Regal Cinema – Monday 5th December
Mammoth Construction invites you to a public consultation view the revised designs for the Regal Cinema at Hale End Library on 5th December
Timetable: Public Inquiry re. Planning Appeal for 480-510 Larkshall Road
This page has details of how you can object to the seven storey block of flats proposed for Highams Park District Centre
HPPG Objection Letter re. 179 New Road (adjacent to Chingford Leisure Centre)
The Highams Park Planning Group has objected to the proposed erection of a new residential building of up to 7 storeys to provide up...
Assistant Leader needed for 21st Beaver Group
The 21st Walthamstow Scout Group is looking for an assistant leader to help with their Beaver Group
art-K Highams Park
art-K provides children with a rounded art education in drawing, painting and 3D modelling. Our art class environment is encouraging, inclusive and non-competitive.