Link to Highams Park Matters Presentation

You can view the Highams Park Matters presentation on this page.....

Consultation on development proposal for 179 New Road

You can find out more about the proposals, how to take part in the online consultations and how to comment online by clicking on this link

Future Film Focus Highams Park

A great opportunity for young people to learn about careers in the film industry

Objects by Sue Royle – Exhibition at Humphry’s (now ended)

A delightful exhibition by local artist Sue Royle giving a different perspective of everyday objects...

Council Decision Letter – Refusal of ‘James Yard’ Redevelopment Proposal

Application (no 203040) for a six and seven storey development of 68 flats including a new station entrance on the James Yard Site at...
Highams Park radio ( hSpark )

Meet the team at hSpark Radio

Why not pop along and meet the friendly team at hSpark Radio....

HPPG’s Response to the Council’s LP2 (Regulation 19) Site Allocations Consultation

You have until 31st January 2022 to comment on the Councils LP2 Site Allocations Consultation for the new Local Plan

Art Exhibition at Humphry’s – Aaron Goshine (now ended)

From Monday 10th January Humphry's Café will be featuring a exhibition of some fantastic paintings  by local artist Aaron Goshine.
village florist

Job Opportunity at The Village Florist, Highams Park

An excellent part time job opportunity for an experienced florist in Highams Park
Phoebe Bowman art exhibition

Art Exhibition at Humphry’s – Phoebe Bowman (now ended)

A delightful exhibition of drawings by local artist Phoebe Bowman